Yesterday I was talking with Gary about my anatomy. Specifically, my female anatomy. Yes it's another post about my pelvic floor, which is still rattling away, and yesterday it was particularly active.
I didn't even get a chance to tell him what I wanted, which was a little digital spelunking, just so he could tell me if what I sensed had any bearing on what was physically happening. None of that happened because he felt he had to argue with me about my vagina. To mansplain my anatomy to me. Without actually touching me, mind you. Just telling me from memory.
"It's like there's the bone, then you go around the bend and it's like there's a covered area --" He arched his hand to show the covered area.
"So that's the pelvic floor, then," I said.
"No, there's no floor. It's just on one side, like a wall and a ceiling but no floor. "
"But that has to be either the outer or inner set of muscles -- "
"No, listen to me. You have no idea what you're talking about. I've been in there -- "
And as you can imagine, the conversation stopped there.
So I was off to find a chart so we could have a civil conversation about my parts.
And I am sure you are saying, Ellen, do you not have fingers? Yes, I do, but they are short and stubby, and there is also a chubby layer of cushion in the way, and the idea of pawing at my interior is a little gross, and it's a little like looking at a map when your sense of direction doesn't match up with what you see. And also I wanted him up in there.
(I was fascinated to see there are shiny metal screws holding me together.)
At first I found myself really wanting a rotating 3~D image, because that image above doesn't show the gap I know I have between the lower muscles and the pelvic floor. And it looks like a child's pelvis: that person's hand could span from hipbone to hipbone.
And then I realized what I really, really want is an illuminated go-pro I could snake up in there. Or else a video of what it would look like in there, like a Curse of Oak Island video. Or like a colonoscopy video.
So I looked up vaginoscopy, and it's a real thing, and now I am even more confused. And it's done often on dogs and children, not full grown women. And when it is it is not a guided tour like you would have in Meremac Caverns. "Here is the Mirror Room, now we'll pass through the Pelvic Floor and enter the Wine Room," etc.
Then a visit to Amazon for a look at plastic pelvic models, and it appears that is what I was looking at above. None of those things gave me any clarity. My parts don't feel like what I see there.
Also, this all took too long and Gary fell asleep anyway. It all made me long for first days in puberty when I crouched over the mirror in my bedroom. So simple then.
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