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January 13, 2025



I am a strong fan of "when microwaves glitch, throw them out" but I will happily use a 40 year old microwave if it's functioning in a non-alarming manner. 20 years? COME ON.

I did not know that kitchen tech was finally being marketed aggressively to men, but apparently it works? Sigh.


KC - the "Glitch" is suspect. Gary might have just not turned the microwave on.


Oooh, that sounds like a swoon-worthy microwave. I intensely dislike our new microwave, so much that I cannot write about it. We bought it in a hurry when our old one (a mere 9 years old) broke right before Thanksgiving, because the Common Household Husband was certain we could not make it through T-giving without one. I think we could have made it okay.


CHM - well, yes. I do know some people who spend much of Thanksgiving cycling food into and out of the microwave because food must either be in the cooking process or in the refrigerator, never in a resting state. But I don't get that rigorous. I mean, I was born before microwaves. We ate Thanksgiving. We survived.

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