I just had to suffer through this commercial below. (By the way, I just upgraded to YouTube Premium, so no commercial for me, but that does mean I can't see to select commercial-free content for you. Apologies if you had to watch a commercial before watching a commercial.)
Is it just me? I could not understand over half of this commercial, because I do not speak child. I could only understand the children listing the ingredients. "Appuz" = "apples."
I feel like this commercial is specifically designed to play the competitive momming game. (If you don't feed your child dragonfruit, what kind of monster are you?) But then they bump up the game so if you don't understand what these children are saying, well, you are to be pitied, you probably don't even eat dragonfruit yourself.
God bless this commenter. What IS the last kid saying?
My actual take away is that the world is full of idiots. (Not you, mind you, but merciful god in heaven there are a lot of them)
Posted by: kate | January 08, 2025 at 10:26 AM
Kate - maybe not idiots, but Moms who can't pack a smoothie? Well, of course if I were a Mom I would happily pay for someone to peel and chop an apple for me and purée it into a pouch.
Posted by: theQueen | January 08, 2025 at 12:10 PM
You are way kinder than I.
Posted by: kate | January 09, 2025 at 11:49 AM
Kate - non moms can’t criticize Moms, at least I can't.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 09, 2025 at 03:48 PM