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January 15, 2025



YAY! I'm so glad it's worth it! (even if the previous microwave may have been taken down by a hit job instead of legitimately being broken)

I am not surprised that it couldn't match a pan sear. It might be worth trying a not-from-frozen steak in there at some point to see if it does better without the humidity/temperature issues incident upon thawing the steak, but I'd bet it won't come up to direct-heat (since I bet the gizmo can't match a charcoal grill's interior temperature). Heat transfer via metal is an amazing thing, as is heat transfer via flame; heat transfer via air works eventually - and works faster when the air is rippingly hot, just... not gonna be as fast, and fast matters for a steak.


KC - I am sure we will come upon some sort of compromise. I do like the speed of just making a steak on the stove. As for the microwave, there are other frozen to finished things that will work better.

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