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December 06, 2024



... yeah. That... does not feel like something one could do on video unless the video was *very* definitely only neck-up. (and still: the multi-chin. Sigh.)

(just to check, does she know the exercises hurt that much? some exercises are "it will hurt more than you can imagine" ones, some are "... yeah, they will hurt approximately X much, but if it hurts Y much, call us" ones, and others are "oh good heavens that isn't supposed to hurt, if it hurts we have a different problem" exercises.)

(I have known people who erred on both sides, some going ahead with ouchy exercises they shouldn't have, and some assuming they should stop exercises that did hurt, in both cases resulting in further problems, sigh.)


KC - I now have a handwritten note of "stop if painful."


... does that mean the exercises *weren't* supposed to feel like you were tearing your own arm off?


KC - they were not. It's very puzzling. Usually I am rewarded for more effort, but maybe she knows that if it hurts too much I won't do it.


I would not be surprised if the treatment for a torn rotator cuff is Not The Same as the treatment for frozen shoulder.

(but also: effort is not necessarily pain. Effort can be dealing with the boredom and frustration of a set of exercises that don't feel like they're a big deal, but which at that level are cumulatively helping heal while stopping a freeze....)


(also I cannot tell you how happy I am to have been maybe even very slightly useful here, albeit via unsolicited advice)(I will not take this as confirmation that unsolicited advice is a good thing, I will not take this as confirmation that unsolicited advice is a good thing, I will not take this as confirmation that unsolicited advice is a good thing...)k


Kc - well, I am banking on the no-pain system. I have used the no-pain system to some effect over the weekend.

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