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October 28, 2024



I am extremely anxious and have been doing canvassing to allay my anxiety. If i had you on my canvassing list, and I saw a blue dot sign, I would knock on your door for sure. One of the things we ask (to supporters of our candidates) is, Do you have a plan to vote? And we inform the voter of the various options available to them for ways to vote.


CHM - Well, I am sure in four years we will be all ready to vote absentee-in-person, just this year was bad.


... you're voting/have voted, though, right? That counts, if you have already voted!


KC - nope, Gary's bought one of those roll-a-lators and we're voting on the 5th.


See, that sounds like a Plan To Vote, to me! :-) It counts. :-)


There are TONS of ads on YouTube, which I watch a bit of every day. At least I see a lot of them. And I've been getting a lot of text messages from both sides. The other day I almost replied extremely rudely to one from DJT, but instead I just deleted and blocked. My husband has already voted by absentee ballot, but I'm an in person voter unless it isn't possible. Super anxious here as well.


Kristie - When I see an ad on YouTube I focus all my attention on the skip Ad link to such a degree that I don't even know what's on screen.

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