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September 21, 2024



Oh NO. Good luck with making the change. (at least you will not have to look up which words, exactly, are prepositions or conjunctions, though; nevertheless and throughout and similar words can be tricky, at least for me...)

(I think non-title-case looks odd for things which are definitely titles, but blog/internet titles sometimes aren't really... titles?... so it works either way.)

(I refuse to give up all my punctuation in text messages, so I am apparently not going to keep up with kids these days in any event.)


KC - oh, I have already dropped all punctuation. Two friends are already perturbed. Just one more typo to make, I say.


I have dropped some punctuation (esp. at the end of statements) now that I am on a phone that predicts words, because it is multiple buttons to create a period instead of just one. (you have to "close out" the word and then hit the punctuation button and select the period)

So technology is affecting my text message grammar. I think I'd be more annoyed if I thought it was *trying* to do that?


KC - I would be happy to be lax but friends are sticklers. I’d be okay if it wanted to do some work for me.

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