Friend Anne won a chance to participate in a cooking class for TeddyJ associates at Kitchen Social in Chesterfield, and I came along as her plus one.
I have always enjoyed baking with Anne: she is a natural teacher and I’m a natural learner. I'm a learner and an assistant, like an Aristotle / Igor hybrid.
When I arrived, a TeddyJ higher-up offered me a giant wine glass filled with a solid pint of red wine, and the TeddyJ philosophy in my area is Give The Higher Ups Anything They Want Without Question, so I took it and drank it. Somehow I did not get obnoxious. I think it took me ninety minutes to drink it. I wanted to go slow yet have it out of my system in time to drive home.
Let's go to the blood alcohol calculator. Oh, good, it says my blood alcohol was 0.02% when I drove home. A wise person would have run the calculation before drinking, of course, and would have waited eight hours until she was at 0%.
We made fresh pasta, a salad, and a steak. Well, Friend Anne made those things, I handed her ladles and dusted the pasta dough with flour. Again, this is our dynamic.
Everything came out very well. I think that success was based on the quality of the ingredients. There was a mystery fluid in the lineup which I tasted to settle the speculation. It was delectable -- so delectable that I was surprised it was cognac. Perhaps I’ve never had a good cognac, perhaps all cognac needs red wine to coat your tongue.
And there were leftovers, so TeddyJ essentially bought me breakfast and dinner the next day. And got me drunk too. Sweet deal.