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September 20, 2024



If inlets get clogged/dirty, you Will Have Charging Problems, so I'd bet that's what the plug is for: to block anything the hinged door lets in (dust, cottonwood fluff, dirt, rain, whatever).

Basically, the baby would be fine if they fed applesauce to your charging port; the car would not be...


KC - Well, that dies make sense. Gary charging port has no such extra cap, just the door that you would think would be sufficient.


So you can Live [Mildly] Dangerously (if the makers thought the door on *this* one might not be sufficient) and chuck the cap, or baby the car and keep the cap, probably.

(does Gary's door face the same direction relative to the general airflow around the car, and is it about as seal-y? I am curious as to whether different car makers optimize for different customers/situations [those who will/will not put up with this fiddly little cap; those who are likely to be in more-gunk-y environments; etc.] or whether one of them put more effort into making sure the door was enough...)


KC - His car does not have all the bells and whistles. I suppose this cap is just a bell and or whistle.

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