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September 06, 2024



If your internal pH is acidic, it is gross, but you can also sniff for urine vs. secretions. (although I suppose if the underwear had both urine *and* secretions, then you wouldn't know without the dye.)

I hope the October appointment does excellent work!


KC -But, uric acid is acidic too. I don't know if I could distinguish between them.


I guess you could pee on a bit of cloth and smell it to compare?

According to Google, normal urine pH is 5.5+, whereas normal vaginal pH is 3.8-5.0. But one might possibly be at the high end of vaginal pH and the low end of urine pH, I guess? (there is zero ambiguity about my undies, but presumably results vary)


KC - All I know is that I smell like lemon-vanilla shortbread cookies, as we recently established.

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