I got the bladder Botox on or around June 28th, and in a month the check-up doctor said, "So, our schedule is busy, so if you start to see evidence that the effects are wearing off, call immediately so we can schedule the next series of shots well in advance."
Last week, I noticed effects were wearing off. (Specifically, some streams were weak and interrupted.) However, I believe my first dose was a baby dose (only six shots), so I hope my new early October appointment might be stronger and last longer.
- Okay, this is a fun thing I learned during this visit. Say you are quizzical about the genesis of some morning underpants dampness. Is it pee or ... secretions? According to the doctor, what you do is act like you have a bladder infection and take one of the over-the-counter anesthetic pills that turn your pee Day-glo orange. (And then check your underpants in the morning.)
If your internal pH is acidic, it is gross, but you can also sniff for urine vs. secretions. (although I suppose if the underwear had both urine *and* secretions, then you wouldn't know without the dye.)
I hope the October appointment does excellent work!
Posted by: KC | September 07, 2024 at 10:31 AM
KC -But, uric acid is acidic too. I don't know if I could distinguish between them.
Posted by: theQueen | September 07, 2024 at 11:02 PM
I guess you could pee on a bit of cloth and smell it to compare?
According to Google, normal urine pH is 5.5+, whereas normal vaginal pH is 3.8-5.0. But one might possibly be at the high end of vaginal pH and the low end of urine pH, I guess? (there is zero ambiguity about my undies, but presumably results vary)
Posted by: KC | September 08, 2024 at 10:30 AM
KC - All I know is that I smell like lemon-vanilla shortbread cookies, as we recently established.
Posted by: theQueen | September 08, 2024 at 01:52 PM