Just skip this if you are tired of my distasteful interest in sex.
Hot Matron Summer continues but with a twist: this summer seems to have a strong educational element. I am spending less time in the skin of a 20-year-old man, and more in the skin of an 11-year-old me.
At 11 I was fervently educating myself. I went on my own to the library, got into the adult section, and read the Kinsey reports. No one stopped me. Then I slowly did the mirror crouch, as we all did, and cautiously poked about.
So this summer, I’ve been catching up on all the developments since Kinsey, and Masters and Johnson, and Shere Hite. Did you that in the last 40 years they had found a new spot to rival the G spot? Evidently, it is called the A spot, and it’s on the navel side of the cervix.
As before, I am curious, but in no great rush. There’s a lot to read up on.
There are also purchases to make, and discoveries to make. My favorite? The message buried deep in the box of the most recent purchase. After you pull out the device, the instructions, and the charger, you see this Easter egg printed on the inside of the box:
Come again soon. Hilarious. It’s almost as good as the pun in the latest guide: Come As You Are. That book’s been on my nightstand for a month. I read about five pages a day.
I really do feel like my eleven-year-old self. It’s a little scary but fascinating.