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September 27, 2024



Oh sigh...

(may you - and your finances - both survive this!)


KC - tomorrow is the first delta day, the day he reduces the steroids. Those are the worst days. We will see,


I hope the results of the experiment turn out to be better than expected but also yes, steroids, grumpy, etc.


KC - so far he hasn't come out of his room. Who even knows what he's up to.


As long as the financially-injudicious or blackmail-providing activities over the internet are within bounds (... okay, also as long as he doesn't pick *too* much of his skin off), that's probably for the best in general!

(I have personally never done one of those graduated step-down rounds of steroids, but at this point I have kind of a lot of friends with autoimmune conditions who have needed to do them and... yeah. They sound... not fun... for both the person and the people living with the person, for the most part!) (except for the "my house has never been so clean" occasional advantages of the kinda-manic starting phase, for some individuals who otherwise have chronic fatigue, but that is proooobably not an outcome Gary is experiencing?)


KC - he has scratched off so much skin that he bought a new vacuum to deal with just his skin. Vacuum number six.

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