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August 30, 2024



... wow. That is... something.


KC - So other people's Moms don't put boyfriends through their paces? Huh.


From what I understand, the Mom Boyfriend Testing varies, but a solid part of my wow was that he picked at it with his fingernail instead of using tools that would cause it to go significantly faster, although I *also* get that gradually defeating something like that can be enjoyable kind of like a puzzle...


KC - On our kitchen, not his own, and you didn't mess with Dad's tools.


I was thinking tools like Toothpaste and Salt and Baking Soda and Scrubby Kitchen Things and Butter Knives rather than tool-tools, but yes, fair, in a foreign kitchen one does not always like to ask...


KC - I am amazed he could pick it off at all, because evidently the reason you don't microwave Melmac is because it gets horrifically hot and because it stains. Besides, we'd all tried the scratchy method, we just hadn't tried it for two hours.


Oh, interesting! Had *any* of it come off for the rest of you, or was it Only For Gary?


KC - Only for the One True Gary.

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