I mean, I knew former president Trump's son was tall, but then I saw it all spelled out: six feet NINE inches tall.
(He's yuuuge, no child has ever been that tall, the doctors, they don't believe it.)
Evidently he goes to university in the fall. I wonder if he'll behave, or become a liberal snowflake?
I hope people treat him like a normal human being at university. And also hope that the experience positively affects his world view. (which would probably mean "becoming a liberal snowflake" from his father's point of view, but eh, so it goes.)
But uuugh if I were him I'd take a gap year - or even just a semester - to at least avoid the election.
Posted by: KC | July 28, 2024 at 11:36 AM
KC - I wonder if he will take the Ron Reagan Jr approach and completely reject his father's perspective.
Posted by: theQueen | July 29, 2024 at 08:28 AM
I would Not Be Sad about that; but more because I believe it is fundamentally (morally, pro-socially, usefully) good to be not xenophobic, not manipulative, not narcissistic, and not willing to do anything, no matter how harmful, for additional power/adulation, and therefore I'd like All The People to be less like Trump in at least most of the obvious ways, rather than because of how Trump would feel. (probably: cut him off with no cash and no networking and proclaim his son is dead to him and go on with his route and not care; which also doesn't feel very constructive)
Posted by: KC | July 29, 2024 at 10:54 AM
KC - I was fascinated to hear Tiffany's mother Marla say she wouldn't mind being vice president. That seems to be a reversal from how she had been before, so there is at least one person in the extended family becoming more Trumpy.
Posted by: theQueen | July 29, 2024 at 07:08 PM
I don't honestly know anything about Marla, but not minding being vice president isn't inherently a mark against someone in my book? (esp. if you are like "look. I don't *want* to do it, but look at JD Vance and consider the future of the country and... fine, I'd at least do less-badly than him.")
(I'd expect that until Trump has the idea for one of "his people" to also go into politics, he'd absolutely destroy them if they did consider doing that without his sanction, so there is also that: we don't actually know what any of them want, to some degree, just what they have done within the confines of "What Trump Will Let Them Do" or "What They Think Trump Wants" and that is 1. no way to live life but also 2. some of them are definitely willing to do sociopathic things which does suggest things about them but also 3. it's hard to tell, aside from those who will do sociopathic things, what any given person would be doing if he wasn't exerting force. Would Melania start dressing from a thrift store and flying economy so that she can donate money to helping immigrants resettle? Okay, *probably* not but: to some degree, we don't know.)
Posted by: KC | July 31, 2024 at 11:02 AM
KC - So the last line of this article on Marla ("https://www.thedailybeast.com/marla-maples-is-reportedly-ready-to-throw-her-hat-in-the-trump-vp-ring") is so POINTED.
“'It’s time to wake up to a higher truth, and to not believe everything that is shown to us in the news,' she told the paper." So, essentially, "Newspapers are stupid, she told the PAPER."
Posted by: theQueen | August 01, 2024 at 04:19 AM
Ohhh 1. being willing to be Trump's VP rather than VP in general is not enthusiasm-causing, and also 2. while we should be reading all sources critically, that... does not... sound like what she's talking about.
Posted by: KC | August 02, 2024 at 12:30 PM