NARCOMS (North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis) is a group that maintains a database of people with MS. I've filled out their on-line questionnaire dutifully for decades now.
They use that data as the basis for research papers such asMeasures of general and abdominal obesity and disability severity in a large population of people with multiple sclerosis, which is odd, because I don't remember being asked "Is your belly where you carry your fat?"
In that same vein, there are a lot of studies about sexual dysfunction / satisfaction, yet no questions about sex.
Perhaps sexual information was gleaned through emails like the one I got this week soliciting my DNA. So, here I am, awaiting my spit-collection supplies, and then it's off to the NARCOMS lab for my genes.
I do hope they later use my spit cells to grow recruits for the MS battalion of the Clone Army. (Or at least my brain: I could be a brain plugged into a Dalek-style body, that way my belly fat won't be an issue.)
But really, I'm excited.