The Botox is definitely having an effect. Not the effect I was expecting, but it’s only just shy of a week. (I’ve read it takes two weeks to really lock in.)
Here’s what’s different.
The ease. I wake up, close the bathroom door, sit down, and instantly what feels like a weighty amount of urine falls out of my body. This is in contrast to the way it usually is, a trickle that shuts off and on mid-stream. Usually I have to spread the part apart, push, and so on. Now I just sit and let gravity take care of it.
The tone. Gary has annoyed me for years by trying to talk to me while I’m in the bathroom, and I haven’t been able to hear him over the noise of my peeing. It’s just too high-pitched and loud. But now the tone is lower and softer, and I can hear him.
The leaking. Almost entirely resolved (one tiny leak), even though they did say laughing and coughing would still trigger an episode because I’m still human.
What’s the same? Amount? Frequency? I’m not sure: I need to do some analysis. To that end, I bought my own urine-catching measuring device so I can track the data the way I did for the preparation. I feel strongly that there’s been a change, but I want to see numbers.
And finally, urgency? No idea. I haven’t tested that. I’m always steps away from the bathroom.
I suppose I’ve been focusing on what’s working, and deliberately not analyzing the measurable data, because I don't want to be disappointed.
I suppose the real test will be when I go to work sometime this month. We shall see.