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April 11, 2024



I will look forward to seeing the areas of wonkiness migrate! ;-)


KC - I know. How does it do that? It should be as simple as paint by numbers now.


My guess is that paint by numbers things are almost never faces, and when they are faces, they're almost never realistic faces (and never faces you know extremely, extremely well), so the wonkiness that you get via paint by numbers is insignificant, because absolutely no one will notice if this tree trunk or flower stem is a half millimeter wider than it was supposed to be, via a paintbrush being a little heavier on paint than you meant it to be... but Gary's nose will look different if it's a half millimeter wider or narrower, and the eyes really matter.

That's just my guess, though...


KC - This one's more challenging because the colors are so faded, on top of the usual thing where it gets skewed.
OH and I did fix the tongue on the most recent one. the fix was obvious when I looked at it.



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