I wonder if other St. Louisans are skipping the eclipse because we still remember how amazing the last one was. If it looks the same, then why go out of my way to do it? It’s not like a meteor storm, or an aurora, or a Barenaked Ladies concert, where it’s different every time.
Or maybe I’m unimpressed by the eclipse because over the last week we've been beset by over half of the biblical plagues of Egypt.
No water turning to blood. (And really, God?, Sure, start with the attention-getter, but don't follow it up with frogs, then lice and gnats, then animals and flies. You need to escalate the tension, not dial it back.)
We do have livestock pestilence with the bird flu, on top of the pandemeic pestilence.
Boils, no, but HPV warts, yes.
Thunderstorms, hail and fire? Just had grape-sized hail here last week.
Locusts are obviously the coming cicada double-brood apocalypse.
And while it won't be three days of darkness, just three minutes, we’ve got the eclipse today.
Happily, no death of the firstborn (yet).
Add in the war and famine in Gaza, then you’ve got half of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse too.
Seems like there must be some edict from God that we missed. Maybe it’s a warning from on high about how we should vote in the upcoming general election.