Even a little dab of the wee bottle of Murad Dark Spot Correcting Serum will mess up your fingerprints enough that you can’t use the Touch ID on your iPad.
I mean, that’s all supposition. What is certain is that I applied my first dab of this stuff, and then my iPad fingerprint access has not worked since. I had to save a new fingerprint profile.
(I feel I need to clearly state that I do not condone the use of Murad Dark Spot Correcting Serum to falsify fingerprints, and if you do, buy the wee bottle until you see if it works.)
Huh. I knew you could mess your fingerprints up with acid, but I did not know that any acids strong enough were packaged for use for *dabbing onto your face* so. Learning new things!
Posted by: KC | April 01, 2024 at 10:01 AM
KC - supposedly it promotes "skin cell turnover" and "exfoliates" so I imagine it could rough up one's fingerprint so it wasn't recognizable?
Posted by: theQueen | April 01, 2024 at 02:29 PM