So, on Thursday my TV friend taught me about how retreating Germans booby-trapped manor houses.
From the US Department of Veteran's Affairs:
The Germans identified a house that advancing Allies would find suitable for a command post. A picture on the wall was hung crooked. There was a Teller mine behind the picture; the Germans assumed that only an officer would care enough about a crooked picture to straighten it.
Often “Things I Have Learned” seem to be “Things Everyone Knows.” If this isn’t in a movie, it should be. Is it?
... yeah, I would be toast.
(It would be nice if no one ever tried to kill *specifically* those people who showed basic humanity; I feel like the urge for picture-straightness is more fair, although very sneaky, to target. But things like the double-tap bomb strategies used by Russia in Ukraine, where you bomb a place, wait enough time for first responders and journalists to show up, then bomb that specific spot again: humans can be pretty evil?)
Posted by: KC | February 11, 2024 at 10:20 AM
KC - That is doubly evil. And anyone who bombs a funeral, triple.
Posted by: theQueen | February 11, 2024 at 02:10 PM