All day yesterday my entire house smelled like chocolate cake. Delicious.
Only there was no chocolate cake in my house.
I, of course, thought of my Canadian friends, and their belief that those having a stroke smell toast.
I tried to track down the genesis of that and got sidetracked by the wonderful video debunking it.
So ... according to her maybe I have Parkinsons?
Usually when we get that sort of thing, it's because an upwind neighbor is cooking/baking and the breeze is *just* right to take it straight to our HVAC air intake.
If symptoms persist, however...
Posted by: KC | January 07, 2024 at 12:00 PM
KC - It might have been a brisket, but I dom’t know how brisket in the oven turned into cake in my nose.
Posted by: theQueen | January 07, 2024 at 09:42 PM