Well, this was a surprise. My humble (but beloved) blog views spiked a few days ago.
From page views under 40 (each, as I say, treasured) to over 10k on a day I was writing about lip reading.
Other metrics (Google Analytics, Feedblitz) don't back this up. I’ve alerted Typepad that something must be wrong with their bean counters.
Or ... I suppose it could be a spam attack. I did notice I had a surprising number of Typepad followers who all hailed from Russia, none of them with a legit homepage. I deleted them. Perhaps I have angered Russian trolls? I can’t imagine.
If the Russians are angry, high praise be unto Typepad for protecting me.
UPDATE ================
Typepad says that a server was failing. I suppose that means the page hits just kept trying and bouncing and trying and bouncing. Supposedly today it will be fine.