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December 18, 2023



Well, that's conclusive!

(also, sorry Mom-in-your-head, but you can shut up - it's okay to want to definitely *know* something)

(also the dentist WHAT???)

(admittedly, I once had an ER doc prescribe me an antibiotic I'm allergic to [and am listed as allergic to *in the medical records of that hospital* so I don't honestly know how he was able to prescribe it], but that was at 2 or 3am and he was reaching the end of his excruciatingly long shift, so I assume the sloppiness was sleep deprivation+desperation. But dentists don't have shifts like that...)


KC - Mom-in-my-head says, “Who is this KC chippie, telling me to shut up?” Also, I think the dentist felt that long ago they just said everyone was allergic to to penicillin just to be safe, and that I could tolerate a deriviative? Plus he had Grandma backing him up.

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