You need to do these things in this order to get your RSV shot. I believe I might have had RSV once, and it was so miserable that I obediently did all the steps below.
- Find out if your insurance will pay for it, otherwise it costs $300.
- Have your doctor send a prescription to the pharmacy.
- Arrive at the Walgreens just after it opens so you can avoid others.
- Come back in an hour after the actual pharmacy opens.
- Leave and make the necessary appointment online.
- Come back to the Walgreens at the appointed time.
- Ask the woman giving the shot to write down some extra information for the clinical trial.
- Wait 30 minutes after filling out the paperwork.
- Get the shot.
They don’t know how long the the shot is good for. Two years at least, but maybe more.
... yikes. At least it's good for two+ years!
Posted by: KC | November 12, 2023 at 10:25 AM
KC - Yep. I've been trying to see if there's a delay, like with the covid shot, but I've had no luck. I imgine they would have told me. Then again, I got my covid shot and no one said a thing.
Posted by: theQueen | November 12, 2023 at 02:52 PM