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November 17, 2023



... definite exception being dudes bragging, in high school and college at least. (for lo, I have heard them)

Maybe not the decent ones, though? And less informative than conquest-y. Or maybe they don't do that now, two decades later? (... oh, actually, there was that whole "look at these photos of girls I've had sex with!" thing; and the Trump grab them remarks... nah, at least some scumbuckets still do.)


KC - Dude bragging might well be dude lying. And supposedly, conquesting is limited to “Get any?” “Yeah” “Nice.”


Some of what I heard at either first or second hand was otherwise verified, and was not necessarily... limited... to the conquest assertion you described.

But yes, some other things were either 1. a flat lie or 2. an only-barely technical truth [if you both fell asleep on a long bus ride, yes, you have "slept together" in one sense, and absolutely 100% not in the intended sense] or most commonly 3. exaggeration to some level.

Maybe there are subculture variations and I just knew a lot of talkative guys in college? Or maybe norms about that type of in-person conversations have changed since social media plus ubiquitous cell phones/recording ability? [and/or the release of the "grab them by the pussy" hot mic tape] Not sure. I was "invisible" in the room sometimes; other times men were specifically enjoying "educating" me; other times I heard things while walking past; other times I heard from others.

... or maybe guys who spend most of their social time on a subreddit do not talk much about these things in person?

(I've been in on a fair bit of female sex talk as well; it has been nearly all information-seeking/sharing and near-zero on the conquest/descriptive side, aside from whatever description of the issue is necessary for the advice [and aside from the two female high school/college acquaintances who were mostly out to shock people]. Small group female sex talk has been... very different from bro sex talk... and super-useful. I'll admit that the bro sex talk had more entertaining [sports-watching-like?] audience response, sometimes, though.)


KC - I think you nailed it with “... or maybe guys who spend most of their social time on a subreddit do not talk much about these things in person?”

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