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November 11, 2023



... that does sound like a... personality mismatch. (unless you accidentally end up with one of those cats who comes when called, reliably, but they are few and far between)

Some friends can collect their cat(s) by opening something that sounds like snacks or cat food in the kitchen, though; maybe that would work next time Goldie freaks out?

(may Goldie not freak out again anytime soon!)


KC - I think I need to be comfortable with not knowing where my cat is. And he does come when sung to, just not that one time. He goes to the vet Monday, then painter comes Tuesday, then the dishwasher repair Friday, poor guy.


... so probably can expect cat to be AWOL for a couple of weeks after that, altogether. Sigh. But yes, growing comfortable with "I don't know where he is and cats *specialize* in this and it is a Cat Thing and not about me at all" seems like a good plan. How, aside potentially from the "exposure therapy" you'll undoubtedly be getting this week, I do not know, though.


KC - for the last two days he has been with Gary exclusively, because Gary sleeps. And last night he jumped in bed with me and woke me up, so I sat up, and he bit me and hissed. I imagine he was ... playing?


Cats are mysterious beings. Also, with cats, it is almost 100% it's-not-you-it's-them. I hope you do well with adjusting to not taking it personally, though, because: cats; but also: human brains have some of the logic bits short-circuited sometimes.


KC - I am getting a bit better. He's been jumping in bed with me, and evidently that is the way to my heart.


I hope he quits with the biting, though. (unless that is also the way to your heart)

(but again: if he vanishes for a bit at any point, it is because he is a cat and cats just *do that* sometimes esp. when spooked, not because he does not like you; the fact that he even *sometimes* comes when "called" by his song is abundant evidence of appreciation)


KC - he hid again today, and I got him out with some smoked chicken. And a little singing as I put down the chicken.


Awwww. He loves you! And smoked chicken. :-)

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