In the spirit of Casual Friday, I have taken to wearing my least professional wig once a week. On Fridays, I swap out Sexytown for this wig:
This wig is the closest to the hair of my youth, below.
Like my original pube-like cloud of head-hair, but twice as much of it.
So, Gary sleeps all day on Fridays, so when I emerged from my room wearing the Casual Friday wig he laughed in my face, and said, "You look ridiculous." When asked why, he said: too much hair.
I just went and got a giant hair clip and clamped it back. Still too much hair, but only noticeable in profile, but Gary grumbled it was conventional enough to go to the pharmacy and get our vaccines.
Saturday I was back to the workhorse daily wig, Sexytown, not the big pile of nylon that makes me look like a country-western singer, and Gary had the nerve to complain.
"Where's your new hair? I thought you'd be wearing your big new hair. I really liked that look."
"You laughed at me. You laughed directly in my face. 'Ridiculous', you said."
"No! I loved it!"
"I quote, 'Ri-dic-u-lous.'"
So, too bad for him. He will have to wait till Friday if he wants to see me in all my pube-headed splendor.