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September 09, 2023



First, isn’t Eddie Izzard the best? (And am I the only one embarrassed that he seems to know more derision about American history than I, an American?) Chow!

Also weirdly, some time ago the hubby and I were watching TV in the den when we heard Alexa sat “I’m sorry, I don’t understand” FROM THE KITCHEN. We looked at each other and slowly walked in there to find (one of our 2cats, (Monkey) sitting next to Alexa like “what?”. Ooookay. Then a few weeks later it happened again when we were watching TV in bed (from the Alexa in our bathroom)!and again, went in to find Monkey sitting there. What are they talking about? Plotting our demise, is Monkey ordering illegal catnip, lol? So very weird. (But I still like Alexa more than Siri.

And now I need to go watch EI. I need a good laugh.


Lisa - Have you seen him act? He was in a movie about Charlie Chaplain and in that TV show called (I think) The Riches?
Also, your cats - is it possible they are hitting a button on the top? Not as much fun to consider but more likely than a cat making an "L " sound.

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