My favorite movies for five genres:
Romance: Brief Encounter
Sci-Fi: Brazil
Drama: Henry V
Action: The Great Escape
Comedy: I don't know anymore. Pillow Talk aged out because of scenes like this:
Oh, and this:
It's just cringey enough now that I can't even enjoy Tony Randall, and he's the best part of the movie.
So, that leaves me with a hole in my line up. Here are the runners-up, ready to fulfill the duties of Best Comedy.
The Producers. Yes, it gets points for being anti-Nazi, but has the same anti-gay bent as Pillow Talk.
Zombieland. I ran across it again the other day and was struck as always by its sheer perfection in the way it's constructed. The violence doesn't even bother me. (Because they're zombies. Dead anyway.)
Young Frankenstein. Like Pillow Talk in that even when I'm not surprised by a line it still makes me laugh. Also, it was one of the two things I remember my Dad laughing at in the 20 years I knew him.
All the other movies get points for gritty realism. I'd say Zombieland's the grittiest. But then, Dad was having nicotine withdrawal and chemo yet Young Frankenstein made him laugh. But, "I'm wet! I'm hysterical and I'm wet!"
What do you think? Which is best?
Blazing Saddles.
Posted by: Silk | August 06, 2023 at 01:29 AM
Silk - hate Blazing Saddles because of the ending. I know I have two Mel Brooks movies on this list but not that one.
Posted by: theQueen | August 06, 2023 at 06:16 AM