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August 22, 2023



... Yeah, that is different from the other Samarra in brown. But also, yes, curly hair does some weird stuff sometimes, so there is that.

Good luck with your adventures in wigging out!

Allison McCaskill

I like it.


KC - But the thing is, curly hair does some weird stuff sometimes -- but curly wigs do the weird stuff ALL the time.
Allison - I might learn to like it. It will take a while.


Mm, yes, there is no regular-shower-reset. (although, honestly, some curly hair does the weird stuff pretty nearly all the time; I have friends with maddening cowlicks that their haircuts have to very strategically take into account)

What are the curly-hair-taming/calming things you can do with wigs? Are there any aside from trimming and aggressive heat-treating?


KC - it's simple. You wad up the stuff you don't like into a pin-curl, then flop the good "hair" on top of it.

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