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August 08, 2023



I have not seen that commercial and I am not going to... but:
1. I have heard there is a daily UTI-prevention prescription (ecoli antibiotic), which might be worth it?
2. Most UTIs are from fecal bacteria, which is gross but also makes me wonder if anti-bacterial-izing all surfaces adjacent to activity (including finger as applicable, but not sure you can get adequately under the nail) might help?
3. Does the straight cranberry juice help you at all? (a 6oz glass of Knudsen's, drink it a bit like it's vodka because whew it is sour) I could see immunosuppressants laughing at the idea that it might work to *discourage* rather than *never have any* bacteria enter the area, though...

Good luck on increasing frequency of desired events and decreasing frequency of undesired events...


KC -
1, I had it ten years ago. Office says I need to contact the doc.
2. We all have microscopic ecoli our bladders, even the most fastidious. My MS issue is the same as men with prostate issues: when all the pee doesn't leave, even two ecoli given a few days can multiply into enough for an infection, especially if they are ... jostled. That's why the urologist checks to see if I have leftover pee in my bladder. (But yes, handwashing is always good.)
3. I like the cranberry pills, though they often get stuck in my craw.

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