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July 09, 2023



... that is very clever. (and also: they're going to see both breasts anyway, and they see breasts all day long. So. Yes.)(I can see some people being more comfortable with being as covered as possible, and that is totally fine! Either for modesty or to just be slightly less cold throughout the process.)(but if the mammogram is faster, then you are cold for less time! so there is that.)


KC - you're right - it was cold. Next time I might just start unzipping my bra as she says hello.


Make extra-sure you're in the mammogram room before doing that, though...


KC - I am very lax about the state of the door when doing lady-related doctor visits. Regular visits, a man might be around, but for a mammogram or pap smear I utterly don't care.


Oh, I was envisioning you walking into a janitor's room accidentally, instead of the mammogram room, and flabbergasting the custodians as you whip off your bra...


KC - I think a hospital custodian would be unfazed.

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