Gary didn't feel I should tell the urologist about my amped-up sex drive, but I thought it was germane.
That's how I presented it to the doctor. "So, since I made the appointment, I have a new symptom. Stop me if it's not germane, but ..."
And then I looked him in the eye, but then I looked off to the side, and said, "... I usually just masturbate twice a month, and now it's twice a day." Then I looked at him again.
He said, "Soooo ... congratulations?"
"No, it's awful. I think about every man I see. I can't get any work done. My company is still paying me but I'm so unproductive. It's wrong."
He leaned back and said happily, "You're a twenty year old guy!" He said it in a way that also expressed, "Finally, a woman knows what it feels like to be a twenty year old guy."
So, this week I learned what it's like to be a twenty year old guy. And if anyone is out there reading this who survived being a twenty year old guy, I salute you. Hats off to you, gentlemen. I don't know how you functioned in society. I'm sure it was hard.
Tomorrow: the rest of the visit.
Definitely always mention things like that, because sometimes they are a sign/symptom that matters. But also yes, embarrassing.
I was leered at and harassed by too many men in that general age range, so I think I will only bother feeling sympathy for the ones who managed to control themselves enough to not be creepy and predatory. (you probably are not threatening and trying to manipulate men in an attempt to get them to have sex with you, so I will also feel sorry for you! Unless you *are* being a jerk in response to your sex drive and doing things like masturbating in public with your hands in your clothes while staring at someone specific across the bus from you, in which case I will stop having sympathy for you...)
Posted by: KC | June 19, 2023 at 10:37 AM
KC - I can't even begin to imagine doing that.
Posted by: theQueen | June 19, 2023 at 07:34 PM
Good, good. I figured you probably wouldn't possibly do that, but I also haven't ever had the sex drive of a 20 year old man, so some aspects are a mystery, and strong drives sometimes cause people to do things that would otherwise be out of character.
(that said, even if the drive level does not really subside, you will probably adjust to getting it sort of more under terms of recalibration and strategies to reduce distraction, etc.; once pain or hunger or fatigue is a steady state, we can adapt to at least a small degree, and given the self-control learned eventually as a teen when Hormones Made An Appearance, I would assume that a stronger sex drive can to some degree eventually be worked around - mental redirection, careful cultivation of some behaviors and weeding out of other behaviors, even if the drive doesn't diminish in itself)
Posted by: KC | June 20, 2023 at 10:28 AM
KC - It seems to be controllable if I stay in a dark room and don't look at or listen to anything ...
Posted by: theQueen | June 21, 2023 at 06:33 AM
Mm. Maybe it will improve?
Posted by: KC | June 21, 2023 at 11:14 AM
KC - Actually, today has been peaceful, thank god.
Posted by: theQueen | June 21, 2023 at 05:10 PM
HOORAY! May today be better as well.
Posted by: KC | June 22, 2023 at 11:06 AM
KC - uh, nope. Not at all. Worse than ever.
Posted by: theQueen | June 22, 2023 at 03:34 PM
Uuuugh. Booooo on the spasm/hormone/whatever-the-whole-mix-is. Sorry. I hope you do locate a solution or method of settling things down to a level that interferes less with your life.
Posted by: KC | June 23, 2023 at 10:58 AM