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June 26, 2023


Big Dot

It’s an eye-opener. Just as well they’re young, with the energy to, er, handle the urges. Not so great for a mature lady though.
(Thanks for the link!)


Big Dot - it appears to be fading. I almost felt like my old self for a few hours yesterday..

Big Dot

I just learned today that Macron first met his (future) wife when she was FORTY and he was FIFTEEN!!! She taught him drama. Respect (kind of).

Big Dot

Oh, and I just came across a comment from you on my blog (can’t remember where now) where you referenced the Hotel Coolgardie doc — so I watched it tonight and am chilled through. Ghastly, horrible, shocking - but actually not surprising. I’ve been to similar Outback pubs, and they’re real. Bleak.


Big Dot - Jesus! And the drama with the parents keeping them apart!
And I remember that doc ... that was so sad.

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