Beachy Hitler is Out.
Bye bye, Beachy Hitler. I loved you, then you turned on me. Even bangs couldn't save you. You were meant for a four month tenure, but you are being bounced out of office after four weeks. You are now in the basement. The bunker, as it were.
Your replacement? The less fascist Samarra in brown. (I tried again and got one less hairy.)
Hard to get used to, per usual.
Have you tried wearing any of them backwards? I’ve seen that tip online and I think it would work for zoom since you can’t see the back
Posted by: Jessica Fantastica | May 09, 2023 at 01:54 PM
Jessica Fantastica - look for a post on that soon! Or a series...starting next week
Posted by: theQueen | May 09, 2023 at 06:15 PM