Gary was very sad that only one bot contacted him, and it told him he needed to call the two dealers he had selected online.
He complained to me that the dealers knew he was old, and that's why they weren't calling him and looking for his electric car business. It was pitiful. I puffed him up enought that he called the dealers, and then he looked at the website for the other Chevy dealer, the one he'd tried before that had a lot of Bolts but they were pre-destined to live their lives as pizza delivery cars.
Evidently that pizza deal fell through, so those cars were still on the lot. Plus, somehow the dealer was still obligated to sell the cars at the "fleet" rate, so Gary left me behind to keep slogging away at work and rushed off to the dealer.
As soon as he gave me an update I left this message in my work chat:
And he did. He didn't get the bells and whistles model, instead he got the pizza delivery model, not the red one but a grey one, and not the Ford Mustang price but (counting the tax rebate in 14 months) an electric car that costs less than our first car thirty something years ago.
He went back later with me so that I could drive it home, which is understandable. It was an adjustment even from the Mini: it doesn't have that "Six Flags Moon car" feel in which letting up on the accelerator is the same as stomping the brakes, but Gary says that's adjustable. Also, even though it isn't the SUV model but it's a behemoth compared to any other car we have ever bought in our married lives. It's quite odd being a foot away from the rest of the cars instead of inches away.
I wondered what he might talk about now that he isn't obsessed with the pros and cons of every model of electric car but, oddly, he is still comparing this one to all the others.
And sure, he can keep comparing them to others as long as he doesn't return this one and revert to the hunt. Discussing the pros and cons of various cars (or football players, or plant varieties) seems like a fairly harmless hobby when it's not actually obstructing anything... right?
Posted by: KC | January 31, 2023 at 11:25 AM
KC - there was a scary moment today when he couldn't get the hatch to lock and he talked about going back to the dealer, but he got it worked out.
Posted by: theQueen | January 31, 2023 at 05:59 PM
Oh GOOD. (when is the "you can return the car with minimal penalties" time up? I don't think I've ever been rooting so hard for one to expire before...)
Posted by: KC | February 01, 2023 at 12:04 PM
KC - The man can't return pants. He isn't returning a car.
Posted by: theQueen | February 01, 2023 at 10:46 PM