Gary's car search has come at a bad time, because it has been a month after Dave died and I had already re-earmarked the money I set aside for Dave into long-delayed home improvement projects.
The back door. Do you know they make exterior doors out of fiberglass now, so they don't rust and rot? I started the process to have one installed. Gary was concerned the workers would get pneumonia working in both the hot house and the cold backyard (THEY WILL GET PNEUMONIA AND DIE I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE THAT TYPE OF PERSON ELLEN) but happily it will take four months just to order the door, so no workers will lose their lives.
Gary wants to weigh in on what the door will look like. So factor in a few months for that.
The sagging bathroom ceiling. The Medical Art Project Bathroom ceiling is sagging, somehow. The salesman said this was first priority, because "you might be in the bathroom at night" (yes) "and then the ceiling might fall in and crush you." Not on his watch. He added $2k to paint the bathroom, which I did not opt for. I can paint a bathroom, especially one almost entirely covered in anatomy charts.
The handrail. I tumbled down the basement steps years ago and my desperate grab at the handrail saved my life, but broke the handrail in half. I have had half a handrail since then. That is the easiest fix.
Gary is not going to like any of this at all.
Yeah, get that sagging ceiling both checked out and fixed; if it's sagging due to water damage, then there can be mold, and mold can make people sicker, and removing mold can make people less-sick, and that is a Good Thing. And no matter why it is sagging, you do not want it to fall on you. I mean, it'd make great blog material as long as you survived, but no.
(also YES get a full handrail oy come on please don't kill yourself here!)
(I also approve of the back door replacement, just the other two seem like big fat health and safety things To Fix Pronto)
Posted by: KC | December 06, 2022 at 12:19 PM
KC - well, security is an issue with the back door. The handrail has been broken since ... well more than 16 years ago, because I did not post about it on the blog.
Posted by: theQueen | December 06, 2022 at 09:27 PM