This is the toy that Gary bought me, the one on which I have bestowed the honor of Official Birthday Gift, which means he can sit back the entire month of August and have no gift responsibilities whatsoever.
It is ideal. Perfect gift. It is me embodied in a present.
It is an electrified tennis-racquet-bug-swatter that you swing at bugs and it zaps them to death.
ZAP-IT Bug Zapper Rechargeable Bug Zapper Racket [sic], 4,000 Volt, USB charging Cable, 2 Pack.
The recent flooding has drowned all the bugs in the backyard, and I didn't want to hurt the bees in the front yard, so I started swinging randomly in the side yard and soon two bugs died a freakish death. I cackled. And I am not sorry.
Oooh. For the flies that just. won't. land so you can swat them properly instead of just batting them around in the air with the flyswatter, that seems like it'd be perfect.
Just don't use it in the shower...
Posted by: KC | July 31, 2022 at 10:38 AM
KC - This thing is fancy. It might have a circuit breaker that flips when it gets wet. Gary has had trouble hitting any flies, so as he does with all tech, he declared it broken. (This sets him up to find the "fix".) I just opened the trash bin and swung it around a fee times to test it. Killed six bugs in a second. So satisfying.
Posted by: theQueen | August 03, 2022 at 08:22 AM
Yes, one does still need to hit the flies for it to do anything...
Hooray for it being fancy and also satisfying!
Posted by: KC | August 03, 2022 at 10:32 AM