I know the rest of you stop suckling at the cable teat years ago, but Gary and I are happy paying outrageous amounts of money for poor service and unreliable options. Evidently they can't manage to supply both tvs with all the channels we pay for, or support my antiquated TiVo and Gary's now-dead new TiVo, or keep the phone, internet, or television up earlier this month while I was working from home.
So the current situation us that we are paying top-tier prices for unreliable basic cable, landline, and poor internet. We can get to tv things like HBO through the app on the iPad. 80% of the calls on the landline are spam, but I just can't see losing the landline. And AT&T installed superfast fiber on our street last year.
Here is Gary's latest suggestion. Keep the cable company but go down to basic cable, plus phone and internet. Then, on top of that, subscribe to AT&T internet, to see if it really is better. Then on top of that, subscribe to HBO streaming and Netflix plus something that will give us live MSNBC, just in case, because, Rachel Maddow. So, you know, pay at least twice for some of the same services.
I flatly told him he was nuts, and we just need to do some more research. And have faith that new fiber lines will be better than old cables. I am going to ask the neighbors what their setup is and start with that. I am sure we can cobble together a landline, breaking news, internet, and HBO/Netflix/Prime Video.
How have you all solved this problem?
We have internet, the end. (okay, plus two cell phones, one on an "unlimited" plan and one that is literally $5/month which is just for texting each other status updates when relevant)
I know many (many!) people who have multiple streaming services, though, and if I could watch moving screens without motion-sickness maybe we would have one or two of them as well? The one thing I can say about that is that justwatch is great for baldly stating where/whether any given show/movie is available at any given time, so that might be a good tactic for hunting down which service is the best match for your "essential" shows?
Posted by: KC | July 23, 2022 at 10:01 AM
KC - Justwatch bookmarked! Thank you!
Posted by: theQueen | July 25, 2022 at 04:32 PM