I am so delighted now that CNN no longer starts every hour with a 'BREAKING NEWS' logo. It just cheapened the news so much.
But now the big question: how will they alert us when the news is breaking, now that we're conditioned to ignore the breaking news graphic on the chiron, the one crying wolf (Blitzer) at the top of every hour?
Will they use the full screen logo when news breaks?
Of course I'd love the spinny stark retro Big Breaking News logo, the one that really gets me going. Back in the day when breaking news meant something, baby.
Of course, the day I realized CNN really had scaled back and acknowledged that there isn't a breaking news story at the top of every hour? That was the same day that MSNBC broke in with their breaking news logo, and reported that "MARCH THAT BEGAN AN HOUR AGO IS STILL GOING ON."