I need to make a new category up top there, one for the times Gary explains something to me that I do not already know.
We had one recently about the Great Schism, and just a few days ago he taught me a little biology.
I was under the impression that cats have sex pretty much any time they are in heat, any month of the year. (I am telling myself that both cats have to be in heat and it is consensual. Do not disabuse me.) I also believed that cat heat happens on a monthly basis, like ovulation.
But NO! Gary found it hilarious that I would think that about cats, and reminded me about the raccoons that spend every spring having noisy sex in our yard.
"Yeah, but cats aren't like that." I said. Because cats are civilized. And domesticated. And there are photos of them in hats.
But according to this article, most cats are born in the spring. Like raccoons.
And unlike dogs, who do it whenever.