There was a time, sixteen years ago, when Spunky Labia, International Toe Porn Superstar, came into this world when I looked at my Google searches and discovered a fair number of men from foreign countries got here searching for "toe porn".
I visited my Google searches recently and was curious to see what my lowest search term is. The search that is least popular, even below "snaggly whiplash" (brother of Snidely Whiplash?) and "toilet brush scat," is "toe porn." It has 0 clicks and only 1 time it was even viewed on a page with other Google results.
I feel I need to comfort Spunky by doing a retrospective of her youth. Too many Spunky references to list them all, but here is the Nascent Spunky.
Still amazed by the toe porn searches
Yet another Google search gives her a name