I was looking at some items Amazon suggested for Gary and saw this:
"Ooh, good call, Amazon. Gary does need that," I thought. "It is his birthday month."
I looked at a few reviews. Some troubling reviews said it smelled. More troubling were the reviews that said, "This mask helped me be the snail I was always meant to be" and "This is a slug mask, not a snail mask!!!"
I bought it so thoughtlessly that I forgot it until Monday afternoon when I was working and I heard Gary open a box, and then laugh.
I'm glad it's a slug. Gary often describes his retired life as "Slug Life."
Please keep us informed of developments if the transformation process continues. (is he on a low-sodium diet already?)
Posted by: KC | March 03, 2022 at 10:23 AM
KC - Hilarious! I forgot that about slugs and salt.
Posted by: TheQueen | March 05, 2022 at 08:17 AM