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March 25, 2022



Sorry your brother is back in the hospital! That sounds at least less terrifying than septic shock, but still, uuuugh.

I remain unconvinced of the watching-movies-you-don't-like project, but will look forward to your opinions on them (as well as your opinions on the net value you gained from watching the movies).

Pie and ice cream is pretty good! I have heard from two additional people about people who celebrate Birthday Month (largely because we "moved" my birthday due to a pileup of life and had birthday (observed) three weeks later instead). It sounds like a pretty decent deal if everyone is on board with it? I think I'll stick with birthday (observed), though.


KC - he is already getting a lot of slack this year, so the birthday month wasn't that special. And there was a brief period when a nurse wore head to toe PPE into his room and he assumed he was infected again, when it was because he was infected in the past.

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