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February 22, 2022



Has Gary been lacing the peanuts with a hallucinogen?

(I have no idea. Squirrels are weird sometimes. But usually they are trying to get to either 1. somewhere to nest, 2. a food source, or more short-term, 3. somewhere to hide, possibly from a flying predator in this case?)


KC - moms house has berries that ferment on the ground and the birds eat them and get drunk. I suppose it's possible he's high off something.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about them just being straight-up drunk/high from a natural item. Although usually that is more "sloppy" and less "jumpy" and yours sounds *very* jumpy? But who knows, and it is probably natural and almost certainly not a plea for you to stop with the peanuts.


KC - maybe the nitrogen in peanuts is like an upper? Or, we do have hawks and owls


I mean, honestly, an air predator sounds the most promising to me, given the squirrel's freakout (and then having to choose between Place It Just Met A Human vs. Out Here There's Still A Hawk can't have been soothing). It would want to be out of sight while still able to scoot; high on a screen might do the trick?


KC - maybe there are snakes.


Intriguing! I don't know what snakes might threaten squirrels, although maybe even a garter snake would spook a squirrel, because it is still a Snake...


KC - Evidently squirrels hate snakes!

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