Yesterday I did two entirely new things:
- I made a fruitcake.
- I got a root canal, which, like the fruitcake, was better than I expected, given what it was.
I asked for and got a view of myself in the dental dam. It looked a lot like this.
I didn't get to see how I looked in the bite block, but below is a bite block, a genius bit of low-tech:
It nestles right in the hinge of your jaw and takes care of your one dental responsibility: opening wide.
Finally, just as phase two of the root canal began, I heard the beginning of One Week by Barenaked Ladies, as proof from the Spirits that they are on my side.
I did not have to have my tooth extracted immediately after, unlike my poor husband, and I will not be tempted with any drugs more powerful than Advil, though a new drug would have been a nice third New Thing to Try Today.