Flag day was yesterday. And, it was also our 35th wedding anniversary. The coral anniversary.
Gary entirely forgot, which delights me. He had Facebook to remind him, and Alexa told him the exact date, but he never caught on.
I don’t know why I love it when he forgets. It’s not just that I feel superior (which I do). It’s more that I am glad he doesn’t feel our 35 years of marriage is an “accomplishment.” Accomplishments are hard.
Another nice thing happened on our anniversary. Last Friday Gary asked me to find our marriage certificate and it is nowhere in this house. Thankfully, today the state emailed me that they do have proof of our marriage, and they will be sending it here in 3-5 days, so I will not be starring in my own personal remake of some Doris Day movie where a couple realizes they aren’t really married.