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February 17, 2021



I approve of your table steaks.

Also, whenever anyone says something is Normal and Assumed, just like in poker, I am deeply suspicious of what "normal" is being pushed...


KC - I believe it was a IPhone version of any software.



(still suspicious.)

Allison McCaskill

This makes me think of my book club friend whose husband has quite a lot of wine and she has to make sure to ask before she comes to make sure she only takes "book club wine" (which, fair enough, we're basically philistines)


KC - no, there should be an iPhone version of everything nowadays.
Alison - harsh! Was there a time she didn’t ask and you drank $400 worth of wine? I think everyone should follow the Cana wedding guidelines: first glass should be the $400 bottle and then you get the book club wine.

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