The usual team of friends went to a ‘90’s trivia match.
Costume: (If you don’t know, Saint Louis trivia matches expect you to dress up in harmony with the trivia theme.) I intended to go as Madonna, I still have my costume saved from back in the days when Madonna and her yearly metamorphosis made for an easy Halloween costume. When I found that the cone bra, a vital part of the Madonna costume, would have only fit now if I entirely removed my own breasts, I put on my Late Night With David Letterman sweatshirt instead. Oddly, I still kept the cone bra. I suppose I could tailor it later if I attend a trivia match where the theme is Fat Celebrities.
Food: (If you don’t know, you bring food for you table at Saint Louis trivia matches. It does not need to be themed.) Bindu brought samosa and strawberry wine, which were delightful apart but did not pair well together. Anne brought excellent wings from Lester’s. Since half the table is in the Keto diet, I felt I had to bring a high and a low-carb offering.
Carbs: flavored popcorns (cheesy, chocolate toffee, salted caramel, and grape). The grape popcorn was vile, but the others were very good.
Keto: Friend 0.5 is a cheese expert and her favorite cheese is Midnight Moon, so with such a solid recommendation I had to try that. It was well received by the Keto people.
Mulligans: (If you don't know, well, then you have never played golf. A mulligan in trivia is a sticker you can put in place of a blank answer once per round, and it counts as correct). When flummoxed as to what the correct answer is, people tend to give the "answer" using mulligan syntax. Which president threw out the most first baseball pitches? President Mulligan. Highest peak in the Hawaiian islands? Mauna Mulligan. 90’s actress? I said Carey Mulligan, but she was a 2000s actress.
The best answer for "Name the song and the 90's band" was "Mulligan" by Mulligan and the Mulligans.
So, the company and the food and the mulligans were all good.
Tomorrow: the rest.