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April 04, 2019



Amazon is the best thing ever - I am convinced. I do get nervous sometimes searching for something online/buying it, because what if it isn't the right size, cheaply made, or never shows up . . ah, but Amazon - so reliable. Anyway, great sweater. Very eye catching. Love your take on why you had no responses until the second wear.

I once stalked a summer shirt (that description isn't giving the shirt enough credit) that a woman wore to my kid's swim meet. She was from the other team. A swanky team. I didn't know her, so I begged my kid to ask her where she got it. So light, and flowy, and detailed. He actually asked her and I went shopping to that store. I didn't find that shirt, but there were other awesome gems there.


Ernie - I was on the edge of asking her where she got it when I realized I could just ask the internet. Much better than asking the young women. I think it would have tainted her love for her own sweater - if a middle-aged lady likes it, that must be the kiss of death. And now I want to know the manufacturer of your flowy shirt and better yet, the SKU number.

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