I spied a young thin woman at work wearing a very eye-catching asymmetrical sweater. It had ME written all over it. (Or rather, unabridged, it had LOOK AT ME written all over it. The fringe, the asymmetry, the cowl neck were all designed to grab attention.)
I complimented her, and immediately stalked that sweater online. In a few hours I had found it, surprisingly in my size, in China, and I purchased for $13. I did not feel good about it.
I suspected I would never see my $13 or the sweater, and I got the email the next day saying they couldn't fill the order. Surprisingly, a few days later, I got my $13 back.
For a few days after that the sweater became my Idée Fixe. By the end of the week I had plans to buy it in a smaller size, locally sourced, then take it apart, make a larger pattern, reverse-engineer it out of t-shirt material, fringe the t-shirt material, and then add BEADS, yes thread BEADS through the fringe YES BEEADSSSS, and thankfully Amazon intervened and said, "Recommended for you!" They recommended The Sweater, from another source, and in my size. There it was. Well, still in China, that's where it was specifically, but eventually it was mine.
Strangely, the first day I wore it no one even looked at me, but a week later I tried again and three friends and a stranger complimented my new sweater. I suppose my air of "Screw you guys, I LIKE this sweater" helped me carry it off the second time around.
Amazon is the best thing ever - I am convinced. I do get nervous sometimes searching for something online/buying it, because what if it isn't the right size, cheaply made, or never shows up . . ah, but Amazon - so reliable. Anyway, great sweater. Very eye catching. Love your take on why you had no responses until the second wear.
I once stalked a summer shirt (that description isn't giving the shirt enough credit) that a woman wore to my kid's swim meet. She was from the other team. A swanky team. I didn't know her, so I begged my kid to ask her where she got it. So light, and flowy, and detailed. He actually asked her and I went shopping to that store. I didn't find that shirt, but there were other awesome gems there.
Posted by: Ernie | April 06, 2019 at 08:21 PM
Ernie - I was on the edge of asking her where she got it when I realized I could just ask the internet. Much better than asking the young women. I think it would have tainted her love for her own sweater - if a middle-aged lady likes it, that must be the kiss of death. And now I want to know the manufacturer of your flowy shirt and better yet, the SKU number.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 06, 2019 at 10:23 PM